February 2017 Weight Loss Journey

1st: First decent day since fighting off a cold. I spent an hour outside playing with my kids. I rode a scooter a lot, chased the toddler, and push him in his Tonka truck a couple times. I was still winded due to my cold lingering. My fitbit battery died, I need to buy a new one.

10th: I am not sure where this month is going! I have been busy. The other day when I got groceries, I walked for 2 hours. Otherwise, I have been busy with organizing the RV more. I finally got rid of our “catch all” pile. I have been busy with homeschooling. I want to get back to walking but I am lacking motivation. I am tired all the time, even after a full night’s sleep. I am maintaining my current weight so I am just going to let my body adjust to this for now.

11th: Remodeled RV for 3 hours and walked 45 minutes at the mall.

14th: Walked 2 miles today! Feels great to get out!

15th: Walked 2.25 miles today! It was in the 60s today. I am amazed it went from 80 to about 66 today.

17th: Hiked 2.5 miles today. Video Update

I had my haircut a couple weeks ago to update my look a bit since losing so much weight. I love it!

    25th: I enjoyed Laguna Beach with my family. The swimming was great!

    27: I played with my boys outside for 2-30 minutes sessions. The first 30 minutes I tracked .5 miles walked. I didn’t track the 2nd time. 

    28th: To sum up this month, I have had quite the yo-yo month with my weight. I tried to at least do some walks, most days of eating pretty good, and tried to focus on mental health more. My body has had a full blown detox going on. My psoriasis has flared up to worse than it has ever been and my skin is looking weird. My monthly cycle has been consistent every three weeks. Losing 20 lbs since last October has been really good for me but right now I am taking a break from weight lose and will be focusing on helping my body detox and working more on my mental health.

    20 lbs lost since my heaviest weight in October. 16.2 lbs lost since December 3rd!

    48.5 miles walked or hiked!